Gazayerli IT Solutions/ Home / Core Services / Software Development / Customized Solutions / E-Learning Platform

The multi-role teaching platform aims for the best-in-class experience for the students, teachers and parents. According to the E-learning platform nature, it shares insights and controls for each user according to its type for the utmost experience and usage.

Student Management
Teacher Management
Parent Management
The Student can:
- Create student account
- Create a parent account
- Subscribe to course or lesson
- Join an online lesson
- Attend exams online
- Pay for course or lesson
The Teacher can:
- Create teacher account
- Create moderator account
- Select a public course
- Select a private course
- Add a course schedule
- Teach an online lesson
- Upload exams
- Upload documents
- Updated an introductory video for the course
- Add their tax information
- Edit their profile
Parents can:
- Create parent account
- Create a student account
- Subscribe their student to a course
- Pay per course, lesson, or month
- Follow up with their student course progression
- Agree to pay for the course for their students who are under-age

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